StatisticsStatistics are often used in biology to approve or reject hypotheses, determine the probability of something occurring, taking and analyzing measurements, and much more. Some of the most common statistical analyses used include standard deviation and t-test, both necessary in IB biology. We will learn how to use these tests as well as others necessary for biology and statistics in general.
Excel Instructional Videos |
Accurate, Precise, or Both? |
Internal Assessment Explanation Videos
IA: Analysis |
IA: Evaluation |
Statistics Explanation Videos
Standard Deviation, t-tests, & statisticsCalculate Mean, Median, Mode in ExcelStandard Error of the Mean & 95% Confidence IntervalCreate Error Bars using 95% CI in Google Sheets (from Mr. Murray) |
Khan Academy Standard DeviationKhan Academy t-test confidence intervalCalculate T-Test in Google Sheets |